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  • Quiénes Somos | Esperanza del Pucará

    Our History Esperanza del Pucará S.A. was founded in August 2011 by Simonetta Orlando (Italian), collaborator of the Italian base of the Argentine foundation Los Niños del Mañana, Raul Bagatello, president of the same foundation, and Eduardo Maurizio, agronomist. ​ The society was established with the objective of purchasing the Finca Pucará, which was accomplished on September 16, 2011, adding "Esperanza" (Hope) to its name. This addition reflects the founders' desire to revive hope in the place, where the land and its inhabitants had been neglected and abandoned. With a special focus on children, providing them with resources through the foundation, offering employment to parents, and creating new growth opportunities for all stakeholders, including ourselves. ​ Meet the team that is currently working at the Finca: simonetta orlando Founder of the Project . Cecilia Dacunda Manager of the Finca and General Coordinator. Legal Representative in Argentina of the Esperanza del Pucara SA Project. Engineer Fabian Baumgratz Biodynamic Specialist and Crop Manager. Raúl Davalos Vineyard Consultant and Winemaking Manager. Contact us! Historia de Esperanza del Pucará El territorio que comprende actualmente nuestra finca en los Valles Calchaquíes ha sido escenario de una larga historia de enfrentamientos, resistencias, conquistas y la transculturización. Este lugar estratégico, donde convergen el trazado del Qapac Ñan o Camino Real de los Incas y la ruta 40, ha sido testigo de acontecimientos que han marcado el desarrollo regional y cultural a lo largo del tiempo. Desde los Pukaras, fortalezas naturales defendidas utilizadas durante el periodo de expansión incaico, hasta la feroz resistencia de los Calchaquíes contra los invasores incas y españoles, la historia de este valle es un testimonio de tenacidad y adaptación. La conquista de los Valles, que culminó en la dispersión de los nativos hacia Guachipas, Ampascachi y Moldes, dejó una huella indeleble en la región. A través de los siglos de confrontación y concordia, se logró alcanzar una paz duradera que trajo consigo el desarrollo y la prosperidad. En la finca Esperanza del Pucará, los vestigios de las antiguas fortalezas y los relatos de este pasado son testigos del presente que ha dado forma al paisaje y a la cultura local. Es un lugar donde la historia se entrelaza con la belleza natural, recordándonos la importancia de comprender y preservar nuestro legado. Galería de imágenes Catálogo de productos Catálogo de semillas Principales colaboradores

  • Home | Esperanza del Pucará

    Welcome to Finca Esperanza del Pucará Where the mountains meet the sky. ​ Located in an energetic point of the Earth, it forms a vast 11km-long valley, embraced by the Pucará River and benefiting from the wonderful climate of the Calchaquí Valleys. It is likely the place with the highest amount of permanent surface water in the area, which is of excellent quality. These factors make it ideal for cultivating the land and producing high-altitude wines. 10,000 Total hectares + 2,200 Meters above sea level +100 Population About us and Our Vision Finca Esperanza del Pucará was born with the initiative of being a social project. It aims to provide employment opportunities for the valley's inhabitants while preserving the natural environment, creating a space where nature, humans, and animals work together harmoniously and with great respect. ​ As those who manage and coordinate the projects, and the Finca itself, we strive to maintain a significant holistic approach and dedicate our time and effort with dedication and love. Meet the team! Conocé nuestros productos Preserving Nature and Working with It ​ With approximately 80 cultivable hectares, we currently employ organic and homeodynamic farming techniques for the production of various fruits and seeds. The Finca also possesses the ideal conditions for high-altitude wine production. Learn More A Gathering Place ​ For courses, retreats, and holistic meetings. Some time ago, we opened our doors to welcome groups and visitors from all over the world to share knowledge and experiences. ​ Similarly, we also encourage volunteers and those who wish to join our team to work alongside us. ​ Stay with us Providing a Social Contribution ​ Since the beginning of our operations, we have always strived to maintain a harmonious relationship with the families residing in the valley. We promote various activities, provide training opportunities, generate employment, and foster holistic growth. Learn More

  • Stay with Us | Esperanza del Pucará

    Stay With Us Reconnect. Rebalance. Recover. ​ We like to think of ourselves as a sanctuary that keeps its doors open for those who dare to explore a powerful energetic site, in deep connection and respect with nature. ​ Designed to accommodate groups of up to 16-18 people. Bookings Our Facilities ​ ​ Multipurpose room: for gatherings, meetings, workshops, and training sessions. It has 100 m2, equipped also with a kitchen and a toilet. Rooms with private toilets: Three double rooms. Three triple rooms. With the option for a double bed. A quadruple room. A chapel. Outdoor parking and a covered garage for one vehicle. Storage areas and tools deposit. ​ ​ Services ​ Homemade breakfast included. Permanent water supply. Tanks and sanitary installation for kitchen and toilets. Operates on renewable energy. Electricity is provided by solar panels. Electric generators. Single and three-phase. NOTE: Please consider that the phone and internet signal is weak, but the connection with nature is strong. How to get here Reservas Bookings Check Our Availability: Full name Country E-mail Código de País Cell phone Number of guests Select arrival date Select departure date Message Send Thank you! We will contact you soon.

  • Agricultura | Esperanza del Pucará

    Agriculture and Nature Given its location and physiography, the land has a unique microclimate, suitable for the cultivation of different crops. It encompasses approximately 80 cultivable hectares, with the key feature being the excellent quality of irrigation water. It is intersected by three rivers: the Río Grande or Pucará, the Pucarilla, and the Guasamayo. Thanks to its canal system, these rivers can supply water to the different crops. ​ We began our agricultural work in 2011 with the aim of producing high-quality, nutritionally rich food, striving to become a farm with exclusively organic produce and, in a later stage, biodynamic as well. ​ Furthermore, we promote progress among all stakeholders involved in the process, from rural workers to traders. High-Altitude Wines ​ 5 hectares of vineyards with drip irrigation. Vines with over 80 years of age. Ideal agroclimatic conditions. Excellent water quality. Great potential for development. Galería Agricultural Production ​ ​​​ 20 hectares of paprika, anise, cumin, butter beans , quinoa, chia , amaranth, and various corn varieties. 15 hectares of alfalfa. 3 hectares dedicated to the production of biodynamic seeds. 1 hectare of oregano. Galería Catálogo Orchard and Biodynamic Seed Production ​ The climate enables the production of seeds of excellent quality. Currently, we are producing seeds of tomatoes, green beans, corn, and sunflowers. Additionally, we dry the fruits from our orchard, such as onions, garlic, and tomatoes, among many others. Galería Catálogo Natural Remedies Preparation ​ ​ Mother Earth is wise, and we learn from her, striving to preserve the ancient knowledge of natural medicine that has always been present among the valley's inhabitants. Catálogo

  • Galería | Esperanza del Pucará

    Campo Galería de imágenes Vistas del campo Aéreas Vistas aéreas de Esperanza Cosecha y productos Nuestros productos de cosecha proyecto social Esperanza social Viña La Viña de Esperanza Voluntariado Voluntarios

  • Aporte Social | Esperanza del Pucará

    Social Contribution We aim to create new job opportunities for the families in the valley, providing training and professional specialization in agriculture and other areas. Permaculture is inherent to the region and a way of life for every valley inhabitant, where each one maintains a system of house-orchard-animals. In this context, one of our goals is to implement respectful management of animals and natural resources. ​ Among the projects, the creation of a women's association for the processing and packaging of dried products and fruits is a significant objective. Similarly, we aim to establish a group of spinners. ​ The ultimate goal, and at the same time the greatest challenge, is to provide opportunities for self-sustainability. ​ If you're interested in learning more about the projects and helping us achieve this goal, you can contribute in the following ways: ​ ​ Donations Volunteering Galería de imágenes

  • Contacto | Esperanza del Pucará

    Contact Cecilia: +54 9 345 4347828 Simonetta: +33 761 460307 @esperanzadelpucara PR. n° 25 - Angastaco, Salta Argentina 25°46'48.4"S 66°16'08.5"W ​ We can help you get here! send us a message. Send us a Message Full name E-mail Message Send Thank you! We will contact you soon. Cómo Llegar Follow us on Instagram! Follow @esperanzadelpucara

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